Watering Schedule for Summer: For established roses, water as needed to keep the soil moist around your roses. As your rose starts blooming, take note if your flowers are wilting. This will happen in extreme heat but is a reliable sign that your roses need more water. Newly planted roses – water every other day: Shrub roses – 1-3 gallons, Climbing roses – 3-6 gallons, Rambling roses – 3-6 gallons, Standard roses – 3-6 gallons, and Roses in pots – 1-3 gallons.
Since roses use so much energy during the blooming months of late May to mid-August, it is vital to nourish them, especially repeat blooming varieties. Two types of fertilizer we recommend are E.B. Stone Organic Rose Food: it is a great fertilizer that may be used every 2 months starting mid-April and after the first bloom cycle has finished promoting stronger repeat flowering (do not feed mid-August on). The second fertilizer is one you can make at home that your roses will also love! Mix up a batch of the following homemade Organic Rose Tonic to ensure thriving roses to use or share with a neighbor, or divide in half as this recipe makes quite a bit: