2024 Fruit & Berry List

Now is the best time of year to plant fruit trees and berries. We have an incredible list this year, ranging from Goumies to espalier combo fruit trees. With a wide variety to choose from, we encourage you to browse our 2024 FRUIT TREE & SHRUB LIST to find the perfect fruit tree or fruiting shrub to fit your garden needs.



(bare root & potted )


Name Color Ripening Time Attributes Noteworthy Info
*Please note that this list does not reflect quantity. Please call the store for current availability. 360-466-3821
Apples Color Ripening Time Attributes Notes
Akane Red Early September Scab Resistant Sweet and Tart
Ashmead Kernal Brown russet Early-Mid October Cider apple 2 gallon only
Amere De Berthcourt Gree/white October Cider
Beni Shogun Fuji Red Mid-Late September Early Fuji Apple Crisp, juicy very sweet
Bramley’s Seedling Green and red Early October Triploid, English cooking apple, scab resistant potted only
Centenial Small red Crabapple Great pollinator!
Chehalis Sweet yellow Mid August Scab Resistant Excellent pollinator
Cosmic Crisp Red Mid-Late September Scab Resistant Keeps well
Cox’s Orange Pippin Red w/ Orange Flush Mid September pear, melon, orange flavors! Keeps well
Dolgo Crimson Red September Crab, 1 1/2″ long, very disease resistant Siberian variety of Crabapple, great pollinator
Early Pink Lady (Maslin) Yellow w/ Pink Blush Late September Tart/Sweet Ripens 3-4 weeks earlier
Fameuse Orange Red Streaked Mid-Late September Bright white flesh, Antique
Golden Sentinel Yellow Early-Mid October Columnar
Gravenstein Red and Green Early-Mid October Triploid, Antique Vigorous
Honeycrisp Red Early-Mid October Scab Resistant
Hudson’s Golden Gem Yellowish Brown Russet Mid September Scab Resistant, Antique M-111
Jonagold Yellow Green w/ Red Stripes Mid September – Late October Triploid Vigorous
King Red Stripe Early-Mid October Triploid, Antique Vigorous
Liberty Dark Red Early-Mid October Scab resistant. McIntosh Type
Lucy Rose Deep red skinand flesh October Tart New!
Macoun Dark Purple Red Blush over Green Late September-Early October McIntosh type Best for fresh eating, limited
Melrose Red/yellow Early September to Mid-Late October Red Flesh, pink blooms Keeps well
Northpole Red Mid-Late September Columnar
Pink Lady Pink/Red/Yellow/Green Late September AKA Cripp’s Pink Keeps well, fresh eating and cooking
Pink Pearl Yellow Late September Bright pink flesh
Red Gravenstein Red yellow stripes Early September Sweeter than Gravenstein


Good for baking, cooking
Red Jonagold Red Early-Mid October Triploid Vigorous
Rosey Glow Bright Red Mid-August Fresh eating, cooking Pink Lady type
Scarlet Sentinel Greenish Yellow Mid-Late September Columnar Disease resistant
Spartan Dark Red Mid October Scab resistant, McIntosh Type
Spitzenburg Yellow/Blush Red Mid-Late October Classic American variety, Fresh Eating, Keeps well, M-111
Sunrise Red Mid September Keeps well
Summerred Red Early August Macintosh type
Sunrise Magic Red Mid October NEW!
Tasty Red Bright Red September Columnar Urban series
Whitney Yellow/Red September Crab. Scab Resistant Best eating crabapple
Williams Pride Red Early August Scab resistant Sweet, rich, spicy flavor.
White Icicle  yellow Columnar 1 gallon only
Yellow Transparent Yellow Early August Scab resistant, Antique
Key: SD=Semi Dwarf, D=Dwarf, MD=Mini-dwarf, BR=Bare Root, P=Potted (Trees and pricing are for SD, unless otherwise indicated.)
Triploid: Does not pollinate other trees
Almond Ripening Time Attributes Notes
Nitika’s Pride Soft shell September Very late blooming needs pollinator, 1g only
PrimaVera Soft shell September Very late blooming needs pollinator, 1g only
Seaside  Soft shell September needs pollinator, 1g only
Apricots Color Ripening Time Attributes Notes
Harcot Yellow-Orange July – August Self fertile Resistance to perennial canker and brown rot, Freestone
Harglow Deep orange w/ red blush August Self fertile. Resistance to perennial canker and brown rot. Freestone
Puget Gold Orange Early August Self fertile Freestone
*Please note that this list does not reflect quantity. Please call the store for current availability. 360-466-3821
Apriums Color Ripening Time Attributes Notes
Flavor Delight Bright Yellow Mid-July Self fertile, does better with “friends” Semi-freestone
Aronia Berries (Black Chokeberries) Color Ripening Time Attributes Notes
Autumn Magic Black September Self-fertile. Great Fall color for landscape plantings
Dwarf Black September About 3′ high
Iroquois Beauty Black September 2-3′ high 4-5′ wide
Nero Black September Fall color 3-4′ x 3-4′
Viking Black Late-August – Mid-September Self-fertile 3-6′ x 3-6′
*Please note that this list does not reflect quantity. Please call the store for current availability. 360-466-3821
Autumn Olives Color Ripening Time Attributes Notes
Amber Golden Yellow September Self fertile Disease/pest resistant
Garnet Reddish Bronze Late-September Self fertile Disease/pest resistant
Ruby Brilliant Red Late-September Self fertile Disease/pest resistant
Blackberries Color Ripening Time Attributes Notes
Baby Cakes Black Thornless, Dwarf Bushel & Berry, Perfect for patio pots
Black Satin Deep Blue July Thornless Doesn’t produce suckers
Boysenberry Dark Maroon July and September Thornless
Chester  Black Late Summer Thornless
Marionberry Black June – July Cross between Chehalem and Ollalie
Loganberry Dark Red Mid-July – Mid-August Thornless
Triple Crown Black August Thornless
*Please note that this list does not reflect quantity. Please call the store for current availability. 360-466-3821
Blueberries Color Ripening Time Attributes Notes: Most Blueberries grow to be 4’-5’
Berkeley Dusty Blue July – August Highbush Blueberry 6’x6′ yellow stem
Blueberry Glaze Deep Blue almost black July Lowbush, High in antioxidants Bushel & Berry
Aurora Blue August Compact 4’
Bluecrop Blue July – August Highbush Blueberry Most popular
Bluegold Blue Late-June – Early-July Highbush Blueberry 4-6′
Bluejay Blue July Northern Highbush 4-6′
Blueray Blue July Northern Highbush 4-6′
Bonus Blue July-August Northern Highbush Very large berries
Bluetta Light Blue June Northern Highbush 3-5′, very high in anti-oxidants
Bountiful Blue Blue September Southern Highbush Blueberry Bushel & Berry, Semi-Evergreen in mild climates, Blue foliage
Brunswick Sky Blue July Lowbush Semi-Evergreen in mild climates. Great Fall color foliage.
Burlington Light Blue July Highbush Blueberry 5’
Cabernet Splash Blue June – July 3-4′ x 3-4′ Foliage interest througout season
Chandler Blue September Highbush Blueberry, Largest Berry
Chippewa Light Blue July Lowbush
Collins Light Blue July – August Highbush Blueberry
Darrow Blue September Northern Highbush, Largest Berry
Dixie Blue July – August Highbush Blueberry
Draper Blue July Highbush Blueberry
Duke Light Blue Late- May Northern Highbush
Earliblue Light Blue June-July Northern Highbush
Eberhardt Blue Late-July Northern Highbush
Elliott Blue July-August Highbush Blueberry
Katherine Blue July-Augus
Jelly Bean Blue July-Augus Bushel and Berry Grows well in containers
Herbert Blue July Large fruit!
Hardiblue Blue July Northern Highbush
Ivanhoe Blue June – August Highbush Blueberry
Jelly Bean Blue July – August Half-High Bushel & Berry
Jersey Blue July – August Northern Highbush
Jewel Blue July Southern Highbush
Jubilee Powder Blue June Southern Highbush
Liberty Sky Blue July – August Highbush Blueberry
Mini Blue Vibrant Blue July Northern Highbush
Misty Sky Blue June Southern Highbush
Jubilee Blue  July
Legacy Blue June/July
Liberty Dark BLue August
Midnight Cascade Dark Blue July
Misty Blue Early July
Nelson Medium Blue July Northern Highbush
Nocturne Dark Black Mid-July Hybrid
Northblue Dark Blue July Half-High
Northcountry Blue July Half-High
Nocturne Dark Blue Mid-July Hybrid
Northblue Dark Blue July Half-High
North Country Blue July Half-High
Northland Medium Blue June-July Northern Highbush
Northsky Sky Blue July Half-High
O’neal Blue June Southern Highbush
O’Neal Blue June Southern Highbush
Olympia Medium Blue Late July Northern Highbush
Patriot Medium Blue June- July Northern Highbush
Peach Sorbet Blue Mid-July Lowbush Bushel & Berry
Perpetua Blue Early-July to October Highbush, Evergreen Bushel & Berry
Pink Icing Blue Mid July Lowbush Bushel & Berry
Perpetua Blue July Bushel & Berry
Peach Sorbet Blue Early and Late Produces two crops!
Pink Lemonade Bright Pink July-August Pink Berry
Pink Popcorn Cream Pink to Pink June-July Pink Berry, Northern Highbush
Polaris Light Blue June-July Lowbush
Razz Periwinkle Blue Early-Mid-July Northern Highbush
Reka Dark Blue July Northern Highbush
Sierra Blue June – July Northern Highbush Very Large Berries
Southmoon Sky Blue July-August Southern Highbush
Pink Popcorn Cream Pink to Pink June-July Northern Highbush
Pink Icing
Saphire Cascade
Spartan Light Blue June – July Northern Highbush
Silver Dollar
Stanley Medium Blue July-August Heirloom Highbush
Sunrise Medium Blue June – July Northern Highbush
Sunshine Blue Blue June – July Southern Highbush Bushel and Berry
Sweetheart Blue Early June & August Highbush Two crops
Tophat Light Blue June – July Lowbush
Sweetheart Blue Early June & August Highbush
Tophat Light Blue June – July Lowbush
Toro Light Blue July Northern Highbush Large Berries
*Please note that this list does not reflect quantity. Please call the store for current availability. 360-466-3821
Cherries (Sweet) Color Ripening Time Attributes Notes
Angela Black Mid-July Self Fertile, resists cracking Sweet
Bing Black Early-July Pollinators: Rainier, Stella Sweet
Black Gold Deep Red Mid-June Self Fertile Sweet
Crimson Passion Dark Red Late July Self-Fertile/Own Rootstock Pie
Glacier Dark Red Mid-June Self Fertile Sweet
Lapins Red Late-July Self Fertile Sweet
Rainier Yellow w/ Red Blush Late-May Early-June Pollinators: Bing, Stella Sweet
Stella Reddish Black Mid-June Self Fertile, resists splitting Sweet
Sweetheart Bright Red Late-July Self Fertile Sweet
Vandelay Black July Self Fertile, resists cracking and canker Pie
Carmine Jewel Dark Red July Pie
Montmorency Bright Red Mid-Late July Self Fertile but will not pollinate sweet cherries Pie
Morello Deep Crimson Red August Self Fertile Pie
North Star Red Mid-June Self Fertile Pie
Surefire Fire Engine Red August Self Fertile Pie
Juliet Deep Red August Self Fertile Bush
Romeo Crimson Red August Self Fertile Bush
Key: SD=Semi Dwarf, D=Dwarf, MD=Mini-dwarf, BR=Bare Root, P=Potted (Trees and pricing are for SD, unless otherwise indicated.)
*Please note that this list does not reflect quantity. Please call the store for current availability. 360-466-3821
Combination Fruit Trees Color Ripening Time Attributes Notes
Apple 1 4-way Sunrise, Honeycrisp, Gravenstein, Cosmic Crisp, Chehalis
Apple 2 4-way Spartan, Honeycrisp, Chehalis, Akane, Liberty
Cherry 4-way Royal Ann, Stella, Rainier, Van, Bing, Glacier
Fruit Cocktail 4-way Italian Prune Plum, Lapin, Stella, Hardy Red, Frost Peach
Fruit Salad 4-way Frost Peach, Nadia Plum, Green Gage Plum, Hardy Red Nectarine
Pear (Asian) 4-way Kosui, Shinseiki, Chojuro, Nijisseiki, Shinko
Pear (European) 4-way Bosc, Rescue, Bartlett, Red Bartlett, Anjou, Flemish Beauty
Plum (European) 4-way Brooks, Yellow Egg, Stanley, Green Gage, Italian, Seneca
Key: SD=Semi Dwarf, D=Dwarf, MD=Mini-dwarf, BR=Bare Root, P=Potted (Trees and pricing are for SD, unless otherwise indicated.)
*Please note that this list does not reflect quantity. Please call the store for current availability. 360-466-3821
Currants Color Ripening Time Attributes Notes
Ben Lomond Black Mid July partially self-fertile, plant with another black currant for higher production
Black Topaz Black July
Blanka White July Slovakian variety
Champagne Pink Late September Less Tart
Cherry Red Red July Pest/Disease Resistant
Consort Black June-July Tolerates shade
Crandall Black August Fragrant Flowers Also called “Clove Currant”
Gloire Des Sablons Pink July
Golden Flowering Currant Black June-July Yellow edible flowers Deep purple fall leaf color
Honeywood Red July Great, fresh or preserves
Josta Currant/Gooseberry Black July
Lentaj Black July
Missouri Giant Black October
Pamona Red December
Red Jade Red July
Red Lake Red Mid July
Rovada Red Mid July Dutch variety
Red Jostaberry Currant/Gooseberry Dark Red July Most vigorous variety
Swedish Black Black
Swedish White White Mid July
Wilder Red July
White Imperial White June-July
White Transparent White July Pest/Disease Resistant
*Please note that this list does not reflect quantity. Please call the store for current availability. 360-466-3821
Elderberries Color Ripening Time Attributes Notes
Haschberg Bluish Black September European
Korsor Dark Blue to Black September European
Nova Dark Purple to Black August-September American
Ranch Dark Purple to Black September American
Sambuco September abundant crops of very flavorful, sweet and juicy, jet-black berries
York Dark Purple to Black September American
*Please note that this list does not reflect quantity. Please call the store for current availability. 360-466-3821
Espalier Fruit Trees Color Ripening Time Attributes Notes
Apple-combo Varies 3-way BR – Cosmic Crisp, Honeycrisp, Sunrise Magic, etc.
Cosmic Crisp Apple Red Mid-Late September Apple, Scab Resistant Keeps well, very crisp!
Honeycrisp Red and Green Early-Mid October
Cherry Combo Bing, Rainier, Van, Royal Anne, Lapin, Glacier
Pear-combo European Pear 3-Tier – Barlett, Bosc,

Red Clapp’s

Pear-combo Asian Pear 3-Tier – Nijisseiki, Chojuro, Shinseiki
Nijiseikki Russeted Golden Brown August 3 tiers/fruit bearing age AKA 20th Century/Asian
Shinseiki Bright Yellow July to August 3 tiers/fruit bearing age AKA New Century
*Please note that this list does not reflect quantity. Please call the store for current availability. 360-466-3821
Figs Color Ripening Time Attributes Notes
Black Jack Purple w/Strawberry red flesh July-September Semi-dwarf Potted only
Black Spanish Potted only
Brown Turkey Potted only
Chicago Hardy Dark Mahogany w/pink flesh July through Frost Potted only
Desert King Green/Yellow w/light strawberry flesh Late July-Early August Most productive
Lattarula Greenish yellow w/ amber flesh July and September AKA Italian Honey Fig
Little Miss Figgy Dark purple w/strawberry flesh Late July-Early August Dwarf 4-6′
Little Ruby Reddish brown w/ruby center Late July-Early October Potted only
Negronne Nearly black w/ dark red flesh Late July-Early August Good for containers AKA Violette du Bordeaux
Neverella Brown w/opalescent flesh Late July-Early August AKA Osborne Prolific
Olympian Green/purple striped w/violet flesh July and September Needs at least 8 hours of sun
Panache Green and yellow stripes w/strawberry flesh August-September “Tiger Fig” Potted only
Peter’s Honey Yellow green w/dark amber flesh Late July-Early August Potted only
Petite Negra Black w/deep red flesh Late July-Early August Dwarf 3-4′ tall Potted only
Stella Green w/purplish red flesh Late July-Early August Potted only
Vern’s Brown Turkey Dark brown w/light amber flesh Late July-Early August Potted only
Violette de Bordeaux Purple/black w/strawberry flesh August-frost Good for containers or small spaces Fresh eating, dried, preserves
*Please note that this list does not reflect quantity. Please call the store for current availability. 360-466-3821
Goji Berries Color Ripening Time Attributes Notes
Crimson Star Bright Red August to October self-fertile Chinese variety
Red Empress  Dark red Mid-summer to late fall self-fertile Chinese variety, large fruit for eating fresh
*Please note that this list does not reflect quantity. Please call the store for current availability. 360-466-3821
Gooseberries Color Ripening Time Attributes Notes
John’s Prairie  Black July
Hinnomaki Red Gooseberry Red July Finland variety
Friend Gooseberry
Hinnomaki Yellow Gooseberry Yellow July
Welcome Gooseberry Red July Nearly thornless
*Please note that this list does not reflect quantity. Please call the store for current availability. 360-466-3821
Goumis Color Ripening Time Attributes Notes
Viking Red July
Red Gem Red July
Sweet Scarlet Red July
Grapes Color Ripening Time Attributes Notes
Boskoop Glory Black August-September Seedless
Campbell’s Early Blue Blue/Black August Seeded Concord type
Canadice Red Mid-August Seedless
Crimson Glory Vine Blue/Black September Seeded/Non-Edible/EXCELLENT Fall Color Ornamental-Fruit is not meant to be eaten
Einset Dark Red September Seedless
Himrod White Yellow Early to mid Sep Seedless
Interlaken Green September Seedless
Jupiter Reddish Blue August Seedless
Lynden Blue Dark Blue Early October Seeded
Neptune Green/White Early September Seedless
Reliance Red August Seedless
Siegerrebe Red Late September Seeded White wine/fresh eating grape
Suffolk Red Bright Red Mid to late September Seedless
Vanessa Red Deep Red Mid Sep to Oct Seedless
*Please note that this list does not reflect quantity. Please call the store for current availability. 360-466-3821
Honeyberries Color Ripening Time Attributes Notes
Berry Blue Blue June Early blooming Good pollinizer for other honeyberry varieties
Blue Moon Dark Blue June 3-4′ x 3-4′
Blue Pacific Dark Blue June 2-3′
Blue Pagoda Dark Blue June 2-3′ x 2-3′
Blue Sea Dark Blue June Late blooming 4-5′
Blue Velvet Medium Blue June 4-5′ x 4-5′
Honey Bee Blue May-June Pollinates Borealis, etc. 4-6′ x 3-5′
Tundra Blue Late May-Early June 4-6′ x 4-6′
*Please note that this list does not reflect quantity. Please call the store for current availability. 360-466-3821
Kiwis Color Ripening Time Attributes Notes
Ananasnaya Green September – October Female/Hardy AKA Pineapple Kiwi
Hardy Red Cranberry Red w/ red flesh September – October Female/Hardy Requires male pollinator
Hayward Brown/Green October-Early November Female/Fuzzy New Zealand variety
Issai Green September – October Self Fertile/Hardy Will produce better with Flowercloud Male Kiwi
Jenny Brown/Green Late Summer, Early Fall Female/Fuzzy

Self Fertile

Ken’s Red Reddish/Purple September – October Female/Hardy Requires male pollinator
MALE Fuzzy n/a n/a Male/Fuzzy pollinates up to 8 females
MALE Hardy n/a n/a Male/Hardy pollinates up to 8 females
Matua n/a n/a Male/Fuzzy Pollinates Saanichton
Pasha N/A N/A Male/Hardy Pink and white variegated leaves
Prolific Green September – October Self Fertile/Hardy Will produce better with Male Kiwi
Sweet N Solo Brown/Green Fall Self Fertile/Fuzzy
September Sun  Brown/Green October-Early November Female/Fuzzy

Self Fertile

Requires male pollinator
Tomuri/Tomura n/a n/a Male/Fuzzy Can pollinate up to 8 female plants
*Please note that this list does not reflect quantity. Please call the store for current availability. 360-466-3821
Nectarines Color Ripening Time Attributes Notes
Hardy Red Yellow with red blush Early August Great for the PNW
Harko Yellow with red blush Early July Self-fertile Canadian variety
Nectar Babe Yellow July Yellow freestone with sweet, rich, delicious flavor. Pollenized by Honey Babe or other peach or nectarine. Miniature
Necta Zee Red June Sweet, very flavorful yellow freestone, beautiful red skin. Miniature
Pacific Pride
*Please note that this list does not reflect quantity. Please call the store for current availability. 360-466-3821
Nectaplums Color Ripening Time Attributes Notes
Spice Zee Pale Pink July-August Self-fertile, good fresh eating Nectarine-Peach-Plum hybrid, Miniature
*Please note that this list does not reflect quantity. Please call the store for current availability. 360-466-3821
Nuts Color Ripening Time Attributes Notes
Nikita’s Pride Almond Brown September Very late blooming Lovell rootstock
PrimaVera Almond Brown August/September Soft shelled Earliest ripening
Seaside Almond Brown September Very late blooming Plant with Nikita’s Pride, Oracle or Bounty
Epsilon Filbert Brown September Eastern Filbert Blight resistant cultivar Plant with Eta or Theta for cross-pollination. Incompatible pollenizer for Barcelona, Ennis, and Willamette, but great for all other varieties. Bearing Age: 2-3 years after planting.
Jefferson Filbert Brown September Eastern Filbert Blight resistant cultivar Plant with Theta or Eta for cross-pollination.
McDonald Filbert Brown September Cross pollinate with York or Yamhill high nut meat-to-shell ratio
Sacajawea Filbert Brown September Somewhat less resistant to Eastern Filbert Blight. Plant with Yamhill for pollination.
Yamhill Filbert Brown September Total resistance to Eastern Filbert Blight Plant with Jefferson or Gamma for cross-pollination.
Black Walnut Green Late-September Early-October
Buartnut Walnut Green September Cross of Butternut and Heartnut, easy to crack shell Plant two together or one Buartnut and one Heartnut for pollination
Carpathian Walnut Green October English walnut Plant two together or one Carpathian with another walnut for pollination
Cascade Walnut Green Mid October English walnut
Manregion Walnut Green October English walnut, easy to crack shell Plant with Carpathian for pollination
Chinese Chestnut Golden brown/spiny October Straight genus and species-no variety Plant two for pollination
Colossal Seedling Chestnut Golden brown/spiny Late September Hybrid Japanese and European Chestnut Plant two for pollination
*Please note that this list does not reflect quantity. Please call the store for current availability. 360-466-3821
Olives Color Ripening Time Attributes Notes
Arbequina Dark Brown October Self-fertile; bigger crop with another variety Spanish variety/35-40′ x 25′
Black Pearl Black October-November Good pollinator-Frantoio Smaller pits, Spanish variety/15-20’x10-15′
Harvest Joy Green October-November Plant with another variety Ukrainian variety/8-10′
Leccino Brown October Good pollinator-Arbequina Italian variety, semi-weeping form/12-15′
Little Ollie n/a n/a Dwarf, ornamental NON-FRUITING/4-6’x4-6’/AKA Montra
Majestic Beauty n/a n/a Ornamental only NON-FRUITING/25-30’x25′
Manzanillo Green to Black October-November Good pollinator-Frantoio 8-10′
Nikita Jubilee Green to Black October Plant with another variety 10-20′
Perpetua Green to Black October Plant with another variety Ukrainian variety/10-20′
Premier Green to Black October-November Plant with another variety Ukrainian variety/8-10′
Seascape Green to Black October-November Plant with another variety Ukrainian variety/8-10′
Universal Green to Black October-November Plant with another variety Ukrainian variety/12-15′
*Please note that this list does not reflect quantity. Please call the store for current availability. 360-466-3821
PawPaws Color Ripening Time Attributes Notes
KSU Atwood Round fruit, ripening in September heavily productive, early-ripening
Mango Greenish yellow w/orange yellow flesh September-October Slow growing, long tropical looking foliage Plant two varieties for pollination
Sunflower Greenish yellow w/orange yellow flesh September-October Plant two varieties for pollination
Shenandoah Green/yellow flesh September-October fruit ripens in mid season Prefer afternoon shade
Susquehanna Green/yellow flesh September-October
Tollgate Green/yellow flesh September-October Early flowering and ripe fruit in October  banana-like sweet taste
*Please note that this list does not reflect quantity. Please call the store for current availability. 360-466-3821
Peaches Color Ripening Time Attributes Notes
Bonanza Yellow w/red blush, yellow flesh June Dwarf (Miniature) Freestone
Charlotte Orange red Mid to late August Semi-freestone
Eldorado Yellow w/red blush, yellow flesh Late May to mid June Dwarf (Miniature) Freestone
Flory Yellow w/red blush, white flesh Mid to Late July Self-Fertile/Miniature
Frost Yellow w/red blush, yellow flesh Mid to late August Self-fertile Freestone
Honey Babe Yellow Early to mid July Dwarf (Miniature) Better production with pollenizer, freestone
Indian Free White August to September Curl Resistant
Muir Yellow July to August Curl Resistant
Salish Summer (WSU Q-1-8) White Flesh Late July to Early August Curl Resistant Dwarf
Snow Babe Yellow w/red blush, white flesh Late July to Early August Self-Fertile/Miniature New for 2020-2021
*Please note that this list does not reflect quantity. Please call the store for current availability. 360-466-3821
Pears (Asian) Color Ripening Time Attributes Notes
Ari Rang
Chojuro Russeted Golden Brown August Plant with Hosui, Shinko Asian
Hosui Russeted Brownish Orange August Plant with Shinko, Chojuro, Bartlett or 20th Century (Nijisseiki) Asian
Kosui Russeted slight bronze Mid July-Early August Resistant to fire blight/plant with another asian variety Asian
Maxie Red and yellow Mid September Cross between Nijisseiki and Red Bartlett Eurasian
Nijisseiki Russeted Golden Brown August Plant with Shinseiki, Bartlett, etc. Asian/AKA 20th Century
Reddy Robin  Red August Plant with Shinseiki, Bartlett, etc. Asian 
Shinglo yellow-bronze, russeted skin August Plant with Shinseiki, Bartlett, etc. Asian
Shinko Golden Brown Late September Plant with another asian variety Asian
Shinseiki Bright yellow July to August Plant with another asian variety Asian/AKA New Century
Reddy Robin Red/Orange September Frequently called a “Papple” Eurasian
Shinko Golden Brown Late September plant with any other Adain variety Asain
Shinseiki Bright yellow July to August plant with any other Adain variety Asian/AKA 20th Century
Ya-Li Yellow August plant with any other Adain variety heirloom cultivar from China
Pears (European)
Anjou Dark Maroon Late September AKA D’anjou European/Egg shaped
Bartlett Russeted Green August AKA Williams European
Bosc Russeted Dark Yellow Late September Fresh eating, baking or drying

AKA Kaiser

Clapp’s Favorite Yellow w/trace of red Early October European
Conference Golden Brown Early October European
Flemish Beauty Yellow skin w/Red Blush Early September European
Harrow Delight Yellow w/red blush July-August Fireblight and scab resistant European/OHxF 333
Orcas Yellow w/ Carmine Blush Early September Great for canning, drying, eating fresh European
Red Bartlett Red European
Rescue Yellow w/ Bright Red-Orange Blush September Scab resistant. Good keeper. European
*Please note that this list does not reflect quantity. Please call the store for current availability. 360-466-3821
Persimmons Color Ripening Time Attributes Notes
Chocolate Orange skin, but ripe flesh turns brown October sweet, spicy/nutty Produces many male flowers, which makes it valuable as a pollinizer
Coffe Cake Orange September/October rich flavor and brown flesh color when ripe. It is a non-astringent pollination variant which means when pollinized it develops its rich and sweet flavor best
Early Jiro Bright Orange October Round/flattened Non-astringent,

AKA Ichi Ki Kei Jiro

Fuyu Imoto Bright Orange October-November Square/flattened Non-astringent
Fuyu Jiro Deep Red-Orange October-November Medium/flattened Non-astringent
Giant Fuyu Bright Orange October-November Larger/rounder Non-astringent
Saijo Bright Orange September-October Conical Astringent
*Please note that this list does not reflect quantity. Please call the store for current availability. 360-466-3821
Plums (European) Color Ripening Time Attributes Notes
Blue Damson Blue September Fresh eating, jams, jelly, prunes; more tart than sweet European/plant with another European for pollination
Brooks Dark Purple September Fresh eating, preserves, canning or drying European
Green Gage Yellowish Green August Fresh eating, baking, preserves, canning European
Italian Purple August-September Fresh eating, dried, canned European/freestone
Nadia Cherry/Plum Dark Red August-September Fresh eating, baking, preserves European/pollinate with Beauty, Methley, Hollywood
Sprite Cherry/Plum
Stanley Deep Purple Early September Fresh eating, dried, canned European; also a prune/plum
Seneca Bluish Red September Fresh eating, preserves; resists cracking and brown rot European
Sugar Plum 
Yellow Egg Golden Yellow August Cooking/fresh eating when fully ripe European
Plums (Japanese)
Beauty Red over yellow June-August Fresh eating, cooking Japanese
Delight Reddish Black early August Fresh eating Japanese; cross between cherry plum and dessert plum
Hollywood Dark Red August Jellies and canning Japanese; pollinate with another Japanese
Methley Red-Purple May-Early July Fresh eating or jelly Japanese
Satsuma Dark Red Late July-early August Excellent for jams Japanese
Shiro Bright Yellow August Fresh eating, jams, wine Japanese/Partially self-fertile
Sprite Cherry/Plum Purple-Black July-August Fresh eating, canning, cooking, freezing Japanese plum crossed with sweet cherry
Superior Red Blushed August-September Fresh eating/Dessert Plum Japanese + American
Weeping Santa Rosa Dark Red Late July-August Fresh eating, baking, preserves Japanese
*Please note that this list does not reflect quantity. Please call the store for current availability. 360-466-3821
Cherry/Pluots Color Ripening Time Attributes Notes
Dapple Dandy (Pluot) Yellowish w/ red mottling July-August Fresh eating AKA Dinosaur Egg
Flavor Supreme (Plum/Cherry) Greenish-maroon mottled June-July Fresh eating
Candy Heart (Plu-erry) Red Mid-August Fresh eating, very sweet pollinate with Japanese
Flavor Punch (Plum/cherry) Orange-Red August/September Fresh eating, very Sweet pollinate with Japanese
Sweet Treat (Plu-erry)  Purple/yellow July sweetness of a cherry, combined with that summer fresh plum complex interspecific hybrid
Pomegranates Color Ripening Time Attributes Notes
Crimson Sky Bright Red July-September Ukrainian variety
Favorite Orange-Red Late Fall Pest/Disease resistant, self-fertile Russian variety
Nana (Dwarf) Bright Orange Red Ornamental Dwarf size 2-4′, deer resistant, Fruits edible yet too sour to be considered palatable
Wonderful Red August-September Finest quality, largest, brightest colored
Quinces – Fruiting Color Ripening Time Attributes Notes
Orange Bright Yellow September Self-fertile Preserves and baking
Pineapple Bright Yellow September-October Self-fertile Preserves and baking/Pineapple flavored
Smyrna Bright Yellow September Self-fertile Preserves and baking
Raspberries Color Ripening Time Attributes Notes
Amity Dark Red Everbearing No staking required Fresh eating, canning
Boyne Reddish Pink Mid-July Does not need trellis Not as sweet as others; good for lambic ale
Canby Reddish Pink June bearing Heavy producer of large berries Fresh eating, preserves, freezing
Cascade Delight Reddish Pink Everbearing Most root rot resistant variety/can take boggy soils Nearly thornless
Caroline Bright Red Everbearing Does not tolerate drought Fresh eating, preserves, freezing
Chilcotin Bright Red June and September high yielding raspberry fruiting mid-season, with the main crop in summer and a secondary crop in autumn Fresh eating, canning
Coho Crimson red July high yields of late-ripening large Fresh eating
Fall Gold Pale Yellow Everbearing Fresh eating, baking, preserves
Heritage Dark Red Everbearing No staking required Fresh eating, canning, freezing
Jewel Black Early July Black Cap variety Fresh eating, baking, preserves
Latham Bright Red June bearing Fresh eating, freezing, canning
Meeker Dark Red Mid-July Do not require staking Fresh eating, juicing, canning, freezing
Munger Black August Black Cap variety Fresh eating, jams, jellies
Raspberry Shortcake Light Red June-July Thornless/no staking required/great for containers Bushel & Berry
Tulameen Vivid Red Junebearing 25% bigger than Meeker Fresh eating, freezing, preserves
Willamette Dark Red Junebearing Extremely large fruits; very juicy Fresh eating, freezing
Seaberries/Sea Buckthorns Color Ripening Time Attributes Notes
Botanica Deep Orange Late August Female Good for juicing
Hergo Light Orange Late August-Early September Female Juicing, preserves
Leikora Bright Orange Late August-Early September Female Juicing, preserves
MALE Seaberry n/a n/a Does not produce fruit Pollinates up to 8 females
Orange Glow Bright Orange Mid-August Female
Pollmix N/A N/A Male Pollinates up to 8 females
Titan Bright Orange Late July-Early August Female
*Please note that this list does not reflect quantity. Please call the store for current availability. 360-466-3821
Strawberries Color Ripening Time Attributes Notes
Albion Red August-September Everbearing
Benton Red June Junebearing
Florida Beauty Red Everbearing  Everbearing
Hood Red June Junebearing
Mary’s Peak Red June Junebearing
Puget Crimson Red June Junebearing
Rainier Red June Junebearing
Seascape Red June-October Everbearing
Shuksan Red June Junebearing
Sweet Surise Red July Junebearing
Tillamook Red August Junebearing
Totem Red
Unusual Fruits Color Ripening Time Attributes Notes
Li Jujube Mahogany Brown February Partially self-fertile; plant with another variety for pollination Very large fruit,

very small seed

Baby Shipova Yellow-Orange October Self-fertile 10′-15′
Shipova Mt. Ash Yellow-Orange August-September Self-fertile Hybrid of Mountain Ash and Pear/Fresh eating, preserves, jam, pastry, wine
Royal Medlar Dark, Nut Brown Mid-Late October Self-fertile
Passionflower Bluepop
Passionflower Maypop Greenish Yellow Late Fall Self-fertile Very hardy Z4-10
Pineapple Guava Green October Self-fertile
Contorted White Mulberry White July-September Self-fertile
Early Bird Mulberry
Illinois Everbearing Mulberry Reddish Black Late June-September Self-fertile Cross between alba and rubra
Pakistan Mulberry Reddish Black July-September Self-fertile Largest mulberry fruit in the world
Persian Mulberry Reddish Black
Weeping Mulberry Reddish Black June-July Self-fertile
White Ivory Mulberry White July-September Self-fertile Fresh eating, drying
White Mulberry Pink-red turning purple-black July-August Self-fertile
Eastern Prince Schisandra Crimson September Self-fertile Juicing, preserves, tea
Chilean Guava Red October Self-fertile Fresh eating, jams, jellies
Spineless Caper Green July Self-fertile Thornless
Korean Tea Seedling (Camellia sinensis) Green Blooms – Sep-Nov Wait 1-2 years before harvest 8-10’x8-10′
Vaccinium Berries Color Ripening Time Attributes Notes
Himalayan Whortleberry Dark Blue July Self-fertile
Koralle Lingonberry Bright Red September-October Self-fertile German variety
Red Gem
Lingonberry Bright Red September-October Self-fertile