Groundcover Roses and Drifts Are No Longer An Afterthought

Groundcover and drift roses are no longer an afterthought. Many of us don’t consider using them for edging and perennial borders. However, with several new color choices available, they will brighten up borders, containers, fill empty spaces around established plants and are excellent for maintaining and controlling erosion.

Groundcover roses are easy to grow with little or no maintenance, disease-resistant and drought-tolerant. They are grown on their own rootstock which makes them especially hardy during freezing temperatures.

Drift roses are a cross between full-size groundcover roses and miniature roses. From the former, drift roses inherit disease resistance and hardiness. From the miniature roses, they inherit their compact growth habit and repeat-blooming nature.

Christianson’s Rose List 2020 highlights several new varieties of groundcover roses that are standouts: ‘Red Ribbons’, ‘Sunset Happy Trails’, and ‘Sunshine Happy Trails.’ Turn to drift roses for new colors such as coral and lemon yellow.

#ChrisitansonsNursery #GroundcoverRosesMadeEasy #GroundcoverRosesatChristiansons #DriftRosesatChristiansons #ChristiansonsonBestRoad #ChristiansonsRoseList2020 #GroundcoverRosesinPerennialBeds #DriftRosesinPerennialBeds #RepeatBloomersfromJunetilFrost