When is a Christianson’s custom hanging basket like a flower arrangement?
When it’s designed and planted by one of three women (Laura, Elissa or Toni) who have over fifty years of combined experience with flower arranging and basket planting. We are careful to plant wonderful combinations of color and foliage texture in the five-hundred plus baskets we plant every year. We have what we consider three different groups: Romantic; all white and pastel, Bold; primary colors in sometimes shocking combinations and Patriotic; red, white and blue.
When it blooms for three to four months instead of five to seven days. All our baskets, because of their larger size, are planted with fifty percent more premium soil (holds water better and is lighter weight) and a slow release fertilizer; both of which contribute to a longer bloom time than smaller baskets. They also contain more plants because of the extra planting space. So even with the greater expense of a large basket over a smaller basket, the value is definitely there if you consider how long a bigger basket blooms. And, the value is enormous if you consider over the three to four months a large basket lasts.
When shopping for a hanging basket be sure to ask for Christianson’s custom baskets. We also plant free-standing containers for decks and patios. If you have your own containers you would like us to plant, bring them to the Nursery and ask for either Laura or Elissa. You can also bring your hanging baskets back next spring for us to plant next year. Your baskets will then be less money because you’re not paying for new baskets. Just be sure to take a picture of your basket this season if you want the same plants next year.
Christianson’s Nursery & Greenhouse Hanging Baskets