July Specials

June 28 – July 4

Lemon Sale

Ugly plants with beautiful futures – trees,

shrubs, and perennials

50%-70% off


July 5-11


including impatiens, petunias, begonias,

geraniums, and more

25% off


July 12 – 18


our huge selection of

Summer-blooming favorites including

hortensias, lacecaps, oakleaf, and

Peegee tree forms

20% off


July 19 – August 1
Summer Herbs
basil, lavender, oregano, parsley,
sage, rosemary and thyme…
plus, many more
20% off

June Specials

June 1-13

Rampant Vine Sale

clematis, honeysuckle, jasmine, wisteria, akebia, and more!

1-5 gallon sizes

20% off


June 14-27


our best selection of perennials

4-inch, quarts, and 1-gallon pots

20% off

May Specials

May 10 – 16


zonal, ivy, and fancy, all growing in 4″ pots

20% off


May 17 – 23

Shady Days

shade-loving annuals, begonias, fancy, and double impatiens

20% off


May 24 – 30

Fuchsia Starts

2″, 4″, and 6″ hardy and annual varieties

20% off


May 31 – June 13


clematis, honeysuckle, jasmine, wisteria, akebia and more!

20% off


April Specials

April 1 – 11
Magnolia Sale
deciduous and evergreen
20% off


April 12 – 25
Rhododendrons and Azaleas
thousands from which to choose
20% off


April 26 – May 9
Basket Stuffers
premium annuals growing in 2-inch pots
for garden baskets
(regularly $3.98 each)
20% off

March Specials

March 2 – 3

All Hellebores!

hundreds of our favorite winter jewels

20% off (2 days only)

March 1 – 14

Bare Root

the best selection of the year! fruiting, flowering, and shade trees, lilacs, and hydrangeas!

20% off

March 15 – 31


winter and spring flowering beauties, many in bloom

20% off

February Specials

February 1-15

All Heath & Heather

20% off

February 16-29

All Roses

20% off

January Specials

January 2-31


tropical plants for the home or greenhouse

(free re-potting with plant & pot purchase!)

20% off

December Specials

December 1-14

All Hellebores

20% off

December 15-31

Christmas Holly

20% off

November Specials

November 1-30


50% off

November 3-16


kinnikinnick, ivy, juniper, salal, cotoneaster, vinca, and more!

20% off

November 17-30


Winter and Spring blooming in bud and bloom, 1-5g

20% off



October Fall is for Planting Specials

September 29-October 19


20% off

dwarf and tall growing conifers including Spruce, Pine, Hemlock, and more!

October 20-November 2


20% off

hedging plants including boxwood, photinia, laurel, and more!

September Fall is for Planting Specials

Labor Day Weekend Special

September 1-4

ALL veggies

15% off

plant your fall garden now and enjoy a bountiful harvest this fall and winter

September 1 – 14
roses, perennials, hydrangeas, and vines
25% off
(some exclusions apply)

Rambling Rose

September 15 – 28

fruit-flowering shade trees,
rhododendrons, and azaleas
25% off

August Specials

August 18-31

Summer Heather

hardy blooming summer and winter bloomers in a variety of colors

15% off


Water Plants

water lilies, floating plants, iris, and more!

15% off