July Specials

July 7-13


our huge selection of summer blooming favorites including hortensias, lacecaps, oakleaf, and Peegee types

15% off

July 14-31

Summer Herbs

basil, lavender, oregano, parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme, plus many more!

15% off

June Specials

June 1-15


clematis, honeysuckle, jasmine, wisteria, akebia, and more

1-5 gallon sizes

15% off


June 16-29


winter and spring-flowering beauties, many in bloom

4-inch and 1-gallon sizes


May Specials

May 8-14


zonal, ivy, and fancy all growing in 4-inch pots

15% off

Zonal Rosalie Antique Salmon

May 15-25

Shady Days

shade-loving tuberous begonias and fancy, double, New Guinea impatiens

15% off

May 26-31

Fuchsia Starts

2,4, 6-inch hardy and upright varieties

15% off

April Specials

April 1 – 13
Magnolia Sale
precocious and evergreen varieties

15% off

April 14 – 27
Rhododendrons and Azaleas
thousands from which to choose

15% off

March Specials

March 1-12

Bare Root

The best selection of fruiting, flowering, shade trees, berries, lilacs, and more!

15% off

March 13-31


Winter and spring flowering beauties, many in bloom

15% off

February Specials

February 13-28


Our biggest Sale of the year!

old-fashioned, English, Climbing, and drought-tolerant rugosa roses

15% off

December Specials

December 1-15

All Hellebores

15% off

December 16-31

Christmas Holly

15% off

All December


50% off

November Specials

November 1-15

Ground Covers

Kinnikinnick, ivy, juniper, salal and more!

15% off

November 18-30


Winter and spring flowering Camellias in bud or bloom, all sizes

15% off

October Specials

October 1-13


tall and dwarf evergreens, including spruce, fir, cypress, pine, and junipers

15% off

October 14-31


laurel, boxwood, photinia, Japanese holly, Leyland cypress, privet, and arborvitae

15% off

September Specials

September 1-15

All perennials, roses, hydrangeas and vines (excluding grapes)

15% off

September 16-30

Fruit, flowering and shade trees, rhododendrons, and azaleas

15% off

August Specials

August 1-18

Outdoor Containers

our huge selection of small to very large glazed and terracotta indoor and outdoor containers

15% off

August 19-31

Summer Heather

hardy blooming plants in a variety of colors

15% off


Water Plants

waterlilies, floating plants, iris, and more

20% off